Pancakes & Cider

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Labor Day Weekend 2016

Hey all!  Its been a long while and we're sorry!  A lot has happened since our last post. We bought a new house, the mother-in-law moved in with us and I was sick for a bit but feeling much better now.  But I'm ready to get back into the swing of things! It's amazing how life can kind of put you on your butt for a moment and you start to reassess your entire life.  But I'll save THAT for another day. Monday as you know was Labor Day and I can't tell you how I was counting down to this little mini three day vacay.  While we didn't have any real plans, being who we are, we made the most of our time away from school and work.  The weekends never seem long enough and I'm always counting down to the next one before the current one ends.  Tis the life of a 9 to 5er .  One day we should be so blessed to kiss it all goodbye.  In the mean time, we utilize those precious hours to make memories, laugh a little more and to explore our surroundings.

The hubs and started the weekend with a comedy show.  Sorry no pics but it was a good time. Besides I was simply trying to enjoy the night considering the rough couple of weeks we had had prior.

Labor Day Weekend 2016 - Home Garden

The hubs posing with his handy work.  We're starting a garden to be more self sustaining, even if its a small start.  We'll chronicle that journey too.

Labor Day Weekend 2016 - Home Garden Little Sire

The little person enjoying daddy's and grandma's handy work.

Labor Day Weekend 2016 - Homemade wonton soup

So in case you haven't heard in the streets, my MIL is the bomb cook!  She has kept us well fed since her arrival and July and I have no complaints!  This is her version of wonton soup (shrimp and crab stuffed to be precise) and spring rolls loaded with tons of veggies and avocado AND her homemade sweet, spicy and sour sauce.  Don't worry I won't leave you guys drooling at my screen.  I'll be sharing some her recipes from time to time as well.  Already have one in the works for her chicken fried rice.

Labor Day Weekend 2016 - bowling

Sunday was more of a lazy day.  I spend the morning in bed after not feeling well upon awakening.  But by the afternoon we headed out for a little game of bowling as a reward for the little person behaving in school all week.  It's the little things right?

Labor Day Weekend 2016 - Fruit Roll Up
Labor Day Weekend 2016 - making fruit roll ups

We don't allow a lot of processed foods in the home especially when it comes to the little person.  As a kid I loved fruit roll ups but as an adult hate the junk that goes into them.  Soooooo....we make our own.  Its not 100% perfect but the little person loves it and we have fun making it together.  Besides, its a 100% fruit. Nothing added.  Just pure goodness!

Labor Day Weekend 2016 - Little Sir's Project
Labor Day Weekend 2016 - Completed Project

While I was doing some of the more grown up parts (painstakingly straining all of the raspberry seeds and blueberry skins) I set up a project for the little person.  I had bought a plain wooden box from Target's dollar section for three bucks to serve as storage for his silverware for his toy kitchen. He enjoyed it AND it kept him totally occupied. Win! Win!!

Labor Day Weekend 2016 - yoga

While he was supposed to have his first soccer practice later that day, we still got out and moved as a family by attending one of the many free sessions of yoga held across the city on Labor Day.  This boy here as you can see was doing the absolute most!  But it was still good overall, although I still hit the gym later.  It was kiddie based so not as much beneficial movement for us adults but still, quality family time was had by all.

Well that's a wrap for Labor Day Weekend 2016.  What were your plans for the holiday?