Posts in Business
Interview: A Little Bit Of Awesomeness With Luvvie!

This past weekend Houston had a chance to experience a bit of awesomeness from none other than Awesomely Luvvie!

The Houston Museum of African American Culture brought New York Times best selling author, speaker, and digital strategist Luvvie Ajayi in for their Spring Lecture Series. Before the event I had a chance to sit down with her for a quick interview.

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4 Lessons I've Learned Since Starting A Business

Ya’ll, I’m tired.  So tired! Why?  While still trying to keep our spot here on the nets up and running continuously and the usual life stuff (wife, mother, full time employee), I’ve quietly started a business almost five months ago selling natural, handmade skincare products. Clearly since you haven’t heard about it, I’m still in the beginning stages, selling pretty much to friends who want to help support a dream.    While I’m not anymore close to making the money I want to make or leaving my job, I find myself living stress free when it comes to my business.  Why?

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Dad 2.0 Summit 2016: Day One in Washington DC

And this is precisely why you gather a bunch of emotionally frustrated fathers in one place who's most healthy form of catharsis is writing online vs. face murder charges, which is totally inexcusable. That would make us a shitty parent. For the record, murderers fall in the shitty parent category more times than not, and these fathers gathered at Dad 2.0 can stomach being called many names, but a shitty parent is probably the worst. So they write instead.

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Why Network Marketing

Network marketing is essentially a compensation plan that allows a person to get paid as a business by leveraging their immediate personal relationships or "warm market" to sell a product or service and eventually grow beyond that warm market into the cold market of targeted leads. Many times the network marketing compensation plan allows a person to recruit and teach a system of sales and talent management which allows the recruiter to earn a percentage of the efforts of the team they build.  It's a system, which properly executed creates an environment that breeds success. 

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